Returns Process
Contact Us
To initiate your return or cancellation request, email us at
Please include the following details in your email:
- Your Name
- Order Number
- Email Address used for the purchase
- Item(s) you wish to return or cancel
- Reason for the return or cancellation
- Any additional information we should know (e.g., damages or incorrect items).
Tip: Attach photos for damaged or incorrect items to help us process your request faster.
Packaging Requirements
- Items must be returned in their original packaging and in a resaleable condition.
- Ensure the item is securely packed to prevent damage during transit.
Cost of Returning an Item
- For returns due to a change of mind, you are responsible for the return shipping cost, which varies based on the item's size.
- Our team will confirm these costs before proceeding. The return fee will be deducted from your refund.
- Alternatively, you can arrange your own return. If you choose this option, please keep proof of postage to track the parcel in case of loss or damage.
Timeframe for Returns
- Items must be returned within 28 days of the order date.
- Non-Returnable Items:
For further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us at We're happy to help!